Join the JBI gLOCAL Solution Room: Evidentie gebruiken in de dagelijkse zorg

Op 8 juni neemt JBI Belgium deel aan de gLocal Solution Room! De gLocal solution room is een wereldwijde week van gratis events van JBI centra waarin wordt getoond hoe plaatselijke initiatieven hun beste beentje voorzetten om wetenschappelijk onderzoek in hun dagelijkse werking te integreren.
Werknemers uit twee Vlaamse woonzorgcentra getuigen hoe zij hiervoor in de huidige moeilijke tijden toch tijd en ruimte creëren en wat het voor hen betekent.
In een panelgesprek kan je aan hen je vragen stellen, oplossingen onderzoeken en inzichten verkrijgen voor je eigen praktijk.
Global Evidence, Local Decisions
The JBI gLOCAL Solution Room is a ten day event held across the globe from 5 – 11 June 2023, in numerous different countries and is designed to provide pragmatic solutions to your challenges in getting evidence into practice in your clinical setting. The Belgian event is held on the 8th of June.
Each JBI gLOCAL Solution Room event will include a panel of experts that will give you 'real-world' insights during their presentations focused on evidence-implementation. As a 'think tank' they will then respond directly to participant questions around EBP challenges in an interactive panel discussion. The aim is to provide practical solutions for getting evidence into practice in your clinical setting.
Who should attend?
The JBI gLOCAL Solution Room aims to bring together clinicians, academics and policy makers interested in evidence-based healthcare and serve as a synchronized, collaborative, and widely accessible inter-regional space to promote evidence-based practice discussion and debate. Attendance to all events worldwide is free of charge.
- Learn more about ‘GLOCALization’ and JBI’s approach to global evidence-based healthcare at
- You can find the agenda here.
- Don't forget to subscribe!!